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How to Cleanse and Charge Your Crystals for Magick

Writer's picture: Rachelle Barron KnightRachelle Barron Knight

Updated: Oct 2, 2024

Crystals are a wonderful natural resource given to us by Mother Earth and when cared for and utilized properly, they can be an effective tool in your magickal practices. Crystals carry a steady vibration on their own but can also absorb energies from their environment, which can weaken their natural effects. If you choose to work with crystals to help you on your spiritual journey and magickal practice, you will want to know how to properly care for them. The following are a variety of ways you can care for them. Pay special attention to the type of crystals involved for special treatments so you do not accidentally damage your precious gifts from Mother Earth! When do you need to cleanse your crystals? Cleanse your crystals as often as you feel intuitively drawn to do it. If you use one repeatedly, you may have to cleanse it more often than the others. Really it’s up to you, but here are some suggestions:

  • When you first take your crystal home

  • When it feels intuitively right to do so

  • After your spell/intention is complete

  • Every new or full moon cycle

How to Cleanse Your Crystals When it comes to cleansing your crystals, you have a few different methods from which to choose. It is advised to do some research on each crystal before you cleanse it for the first time. For added energy, ask your spirit guides, angels, faeries, ascended masters, animal totems, etc. to be present and to assist you in cleansing the crystal for your purposes.

Salt Bath Crystal Cleansing Method Salt has been used as a purifying agent in magickal workings throughout history. It is known for its ability to banish negativity and offer cleansing to a space. This method is fantastic in fresh ocean water so if you happen to live near the ocean, simply gather a jar of it and take it home with you or cleanse your crystals right at the beach. But if you don’t have access to fresh ocean water you can simply add a little bit of salt to a bowl of water. You can use a pinch of sea, rock or table salt in your water. It doesn’t require much. Place the crystals in the bowl with the salt water and let them soak for at least 20 minutes but no more than 24 hours. Add a blessing with your intention to purify and renew the crystals’ energies with the help of the elements and nature spirits in the bowl. Give thanks. Tip: To give them a super charge while you cleanse, place the bowl in either direct sunlight or direct moonlight as is safe to do so for your crystals. Caution: Don’t use this for: stones that are soft, porous, or contain trace metals, such as malachite, selenite, halite, calcite, lepidolite, and angelite. Not for water soluble crystals (meaning any crystals that will dissolve in water). For example: any crystal of the gypsum variety such as selenite and desert rose will dissolve when soaked in water, especially salt water. Use another method for these types of crystals. Natural Running Water Crystal Cleansing Method If you happen to have a stream, creek or river near you, you can take advantage of the healing energies of naturally running water and cleanse your crystals there. Just be sure to keep them in a safe container such as a netted bag or slotted basket so you don’t lose them in the flow! Let them sit for at least five minutes in the flowing water. Add a blessing with your intention to purify and renew the crystals’ energies with the help of the elements and nature spirits in the flowing water. Give thanks. Tip: Let the crystals dry upon the earth afterwards to get a nice super charge from the Earth herself! Caution: Don’t use this for: stones that are brittle or soft, such as selenite, kyanite, and halite. Not for water soluble crystals (meaning any crystals that will dissolve in water). For example: any crystal of the gypsum variety such as selenite and desert rose will dissolve when soaked in water, especially salt water. Use another method for these types of crystals. Brown Rice Crystal Cleansing Method Rice is said to have a wonderful absorbing quality to it that will remove negativity and restore a crystal's natural vibration. Place your crystals in a container of brown rice and be sure to cover them with the rice. Add a blessing with your intention to purify and renew the crystals’ energies with the help of the elements and nature spirits in the rice. Give thanks. Let the crystals sit for at least 8 hours, then remove the crystals and dispose of the rice immediately. Be sure to wipe the crystals off with a cloth afterwards to remove any remaining rice particles. Tip: This method is safe for all crystals. Natural Light Crystal Cleansing Method Depending on the type of crystal, you can set them out to be cleansed by the natural light of the Sun or the Moon. Meteorites and other special items such as moldavite should be cleansed by moonlight. Sunstones should be cleansed with sunlight and Moonstones should be cleansed with moonlight for obvious reasons. Make sure that the weather is dry or that your crystals are safe to get wet in damp weather. Sun: Most crystals can be cleansed quite safely by sunlight but some will fade in prolonged exposure (such as raw amethyst) so do your research (see my recommendations below). Letting the crystals sit for at least 20 minutes but no longer than 2 hours in direct sunlight is sufficient. Add a blessing with your intention to purify and renew the crystals’ energies with the help of the elements and nature spirits in the sunlight. Give thanks. Moon: Most crystals can be cleansed nicely by the moonlight, this is especially potent during a full moon phase. It is not recommended to cleanse them during the new moon phase however due to lack of moonlight. Allow the crystals to sit out overnight under the moonlight. Add a blessing with your intention to purify and renew the crystals’ energies with the help of the elements and nature spirits in the moonlight. Tip: If your stones are also safe in water, you can double up your cleansing by placing them in a bowl of salt water while sitting in the natural light. Alternatively, you can let them rest directly on the earth. Earthing Crystal Cleansing Method This one is simple if you have some nice soft earth available to you such as in a garden or even in a potted plant. Bury the crystals under the earth and let sit overnight. Add a blessing with your intention to purify and renew the crystals’ energies with the help of the elements and nature spirits in the dirt. Give thanks. Uncover in the morning and wipe off any excess dirt. The healing energy of Mother Earth will purify and renew the crystals for you, restoring them to their natural vibrations. Caution: This method is best for tumbled stones. If you have crystal clusters, this may not be such a good idea unless you can wash your crystals afterwards. It’s not easy to remove all the dirt particles from crystal clusters! Smudging Crystal Cleansing Method Smudging is the sacred act of purifying and cleansing a space through the use of the air element found in smoke. Sage is a plant that is ideal for this purpose but so is the wood of the tree known as palo santos. If you do not have access to either of those, incense smoke is a good substitute (any scent will do; frankincense and myrrh are said to have the most cleansing properties). Be sure to practice the appropriate fire safety when using this method. For this you will need:

  • A fire safe bowl

  • A lighter or matches

  • Loose or bundled sage, a stick of palo santos or a stick/cone of incense and its container

Ideally smudging will be done outdoors. If you cannot go outdoors, make sure you are near an open window, this allows the smoke and old energy to leave the space freely. When you’re ready, ignite your sage, palo santos or incense and let it burn for a couple of seconds before blowing on it to allow it to smoke. Transfer the sage or palo santos stick to your nondominant hand (or place the incense in its holder). Then firmly grasp your crystal and move it through the smoke. Add a blessing with your intention to purify and renew the crystals’ energies with the help of the elements and nature spirits in the smoke. Give thanks. Allow the smoke to envelop the stone for about 30 seconds, or longer if you feel it needs more attention. Imagine the old energy leaving with the smoke as it dissipates. Tip: This method is safe for all crystals. Sound Crystal Cleansing Method Sound carries a vibration and when you allow for a single pitch or tone to wash over an area, it purifies it. This can be done by using chants, crystal bowls, singing bowls, a tuning fork or even a bell. The key that the sound is in doesn’t matter as long as the sound is emitted loud enough for the vibration to fully encompass the stone. Add a blessing with your intention to purify and renew the crystals’ energies with the help of the elements and nature spirits in the air. Give thanks. Repeat the tone for three to five minutes, longer if desired.

Tip: This method is great for those with a large collection of crystals or with larger crystals that cannot be easily moved. This method is safe for all crystals. Selenite Crystal Cleansing Method Clear selenite is a special crystal that cannot be corrupted by other energies, it carries a pure vibration that can be utilized as a purifier for smaller crystals. They often come in large chunks for reasonable prices. Place the smaller crystals directly on top of the selenite and allow it to rest there for at least 24 hours. The pure vibration of the selenite will cleanse your crystals. Add a blessing with your intention to purify and renew the crystals’ energies with the help of the elements and nature spirits in the selenite. Give thanks. Tip: For an added boost, let the crystals rest in the light of the full moon either outdoors or in a windowsill. This method is safe for all crystals. Visualizing Crystal Cleansing Method This method can be intimidating for the beginner but as you work with magick and familiarize yourself with the power of your imagination, you will find that this is by far the easiest method for cleansing your crystals. Try it and see how you feel. If you do not feel a shift occur, do not worry. Just keep on practicing with your visualization methods and you will improve in time. Place your crystals before you and sit quietly. Take a few moments to ground and center yourself with a short meditation. Either hold the crystal in your hand or place your hand(s) above the crystals and imagine gathering pure, healing energy from the cosmos in your hand. Imagine your hands filling with a brilliant, radiant light that purifies and heals everything it touches. Feel the energy in your hand and direct that light with your imagination into the crystal. See/feel the light surrounding and penetrating the crystal. Imagine the impurities draining out of the crystal and down into the earth where it will be cleansed and renewed. Add a blessing with your intention to purify and renew the crystals’ energies with the help of the elements and nature spirits in the cosmic light. Give thanks. Continue this visualization until you feel a shift in the crystal’s energy, typically less than a minute but more may be needed depending on the crystal. Use your intuition to know when the time is right. Tip: This method is best for more advanced practitioners. Work your way up to it. This method is safe for all crystals. How to Charge Your Crystals in Four Easy Steps Once you start down the path of crystals, you will find that there are hundreds of different crystals out there and more are being discovered all of the time! As the crystal community grows, so too does our knowledge of their magickal properties. There are several resources available to discover more about these properties, but there can also be a lot of conflicting information so it is important to use your intuition when learning about crystals. I’ve listed a few recommended resources for you at the end of this article. Ultimately, the crystals will work with you and your intentions as you program them regardless of what others believe. The magick is in your belief, not the stone. Although each crystal has unique magickal properties all on its own, you can connect with the crystal and discover how best to use it for your purposes. Tip: For added energy, ask your spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, animal totems, etc. to be present and to assist you in charging the crystal for your purposes. Step One Sit quietly in meditation while holding the crystal in your hand (or sit in front of it if the crystal is large) and ask for the crystal to tell you how you can best work with it. Think of it as a sort of job interview, asking the crystal its qualifications. Notice what comes to you and note it down. If nothing should come, do not worry. Simply decide how you wish to use this crystal and move on to step two. Step Two Once you discover your purpose with the crystal, you can either hold it, place it on your third eye or on a corresponding chakra if the stone is small enough, or you can sit in front of it if it is a large crystal. Imagine the stone’s energy merging with your own. Speak to it either verbally or in your mind and ask for assistance from the crystal in working through your current endeavor. Use your imagination to draw that energy into your body, becoming clear about your intentions of working with the crystal. Step Three Spend a few moments imagining the positive results you are looking for being real. Imagine it already happening, making it a reality in your mind’s eye. Feel the positive emotions connected to this result. Immerse yourself in the experience as much as possible for at least 68 seconds (the Law of Attraction magic number!) and keep all negative thoughts away as you do this. Step Four Thank the crystal (and any guides) for its assistance and presence in your life. If the stone is small enough, carry it with you as you go about your day. Or leave it near your bed so you have it near you when you sleep. Or leave it on your altar if you plan on using it in spellwork later. Use the crystal until you feel it needs cleansing, as a general guide cleansing it every new or full moon cycle is a good idea. Be sure to recharge it after it is cleansed! How to Store Your Crystals

My altar with way too many crystals on it
My altar

If you are using smaller crystals for personal intentions such as magickal workings or personal growth, you can carry them with you directly on your person or in a small pouch. Tumbled stones are usually best for this. If you have larger ones that will occupy your spaces, keep them near plants and spaces with natural light (unless they might fade in prolonged sunlight) such as windowsills. Be mindful about where you place them and why you choose the spaces for your crystals. You can even set them up in a grid to align with your intentions, see my recommended reading list below for some ideas. Ideally you will have an altar or sacred space set up for yourself and your magickal workings so storing your crystals directly on there is a fantastic idea. This enables them to be infused with your personal energy. But if you’re like me, you might just find that one space isn’t big enough! I started out with one shelf and eventually moved into using four. WARNING: Crystals can be very addicting! 😁 Storing them in natural materials is best such as cotton, silk, leather, wool, wooden boxes, and even abalone shells. Magickal Purposes Crystals can be a beautiful way of connecting with the natural and supernatural elements involved in magick. When you take the time to properly care for your crystals, they will lend you their pure vibrations to align with your intentions and assist you in manifesting your desires. But remember that the magick does not come from them, they are simply aids on your magickal journey. The most important piece to take away from this is the knowledge that your intention and energy is a key factor in working with crystals for magickal purposes. If one wishes to be successful in working with crystal magick, one must not forget to add in the essential fifth element, the spirit which infuses and enlivens all. This element is drawn in from your focus, energy and faith and it is a necessary component when undergoing any magickal endeavor. Remember, the crystals are the tools but you are the magician. Live in accordance to your Will and the crystals will aid you in your quests. For more on crystals, I have listed a few recommended resources for you here: Recommended Crystal Resources


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